什么是虚拟主机? 为什么我需要它?
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Some of the newbies think that buying a domain name is enough to get a website live. But  domain is just a name by which people will recognize your website! What makes a website active on the internet though is a website hosting.

一些新手认为,购买域名足以使网站正常运行。 但是域名只是人们可以识别您的网站的名称! 使网站在Internet上活跃的因素是网站托管。

A trustworthy web hosting partner is crucial to building a good website. No matter what’s your reason to enter into the World Wide Web, web hosting service is an important step in how your site is going to be viewed by your audience.

值得信赖的网络托管合作伙伴对于构建良好的网站至关重要。 无论您出于什么原因进入万维网,虚拟主机服务都是受众如何查看您的网站的重要一步。

Web hosting is a service that lets you store your website’s data in web servers (high-powered computers). And these web servers store all the important information available on your website and serve them to your audience whenever your users type your domain name into their browsers.

Web托管是一项服务,可让您将网站的数据存储在Web服务器(高性能计算机)中。 这些网络服务器存储您网站上所有可用的重要信息,并在用户在浏览器中输入您的域名时将其提供给受众。

It would not be wrong to say that web hosting offers you all the technologies required by your site to be seen on the internet.


We hope now you have a basic idea of what web hosting is. However, as you know one size doesn’t fit all, there are various types of web hosting services available in the market that you can choose as per your requirements and budget. Therefore, it is necessary that before you sign up for a web hosting service, you must think of your purpose to build a website, services your website need, and your budget.

我们希望现在您对什么是虚拟主机有一个基本的了解。 但是,您知道一种尺寸并不能满足所有需求,因此市场上有各种类型的网络托管服务可供您根据需求和预算进行选择。 因此,有必要在注册Web托管服务之前,必须考虑构建网站的目的,网站所需的服务以及预算。

Getting confused? Let’s shed some light on the types of web hosting services according to the different usages.

感到困惑? 让我们根据不同的用法来了解网络托管服务的类型。

What is Web Hosting

虚拟主机的类型 (Types of Web Hosting)

免费网页寄存 (Free Web Hosting)

As you can judge by the name, it is a non-paid (free) hosting service. As it comes without any cost, it has limited features. Therefore, it might not be ideal for professional bloggers and website owners.

您可以通过名称判断,它是一种非付费(免费)托管服务。 由于它是免费的,因此功能有限。 因此,对于专业博客作者和网站所有者而言,它可能不是理想的选择。

However, if you’re a programming learner who needs a website to test their codes, you can go for it cheerfully. Moreover, startups and individuals who don’t want to invest a huge amount of money in hosting can find this service best fit. Always chose a free web host like that does not enforce website owners to place annoying ads on their websites.

但是,如果您是一名编程学习者,需要一个网站来测试其代码,则可以乐在其中。 此外,不想在托管上投入大量资金的初创企业和个人可以找到最适合的服务。 总是选择一个免费的虚拟主机像不强制网站所有者在其网站上放置烦人的广告。

共享虚拟主机 (Shared Web Hosting)

This is the most common type of hosting service that is offered by almost every provider. In this type of hosting, your site is hosted on a server that is shared by multiple website owners. As you share server resources (disk space, bandwidth, etc.) you also share the cost. Anywhere you can buy shared hosting for as little as $3 to $10/mo. Shared hosting is capable of fulfilling the requirements of small websites and blogs.

这是几乎每个提供商都提供的最常见的托管服务类型。 在这种类型的托管中,您的网站托管在由多个网站所有者共享的服务器上。 共享服务器资源(磁盘空间,带宽等)时,您也会分担成本。 您可以在任何地方以低至$ 3到$ 10 / mo的价格购买共享主机。 共享主机能够满足小型网站和博客的要求。

云虚拟主机 (Cloud Web Hosting)

This is the new form of hosting service comparatively that allows a number of individual servers function together and act as one big server. In this hosting, cloud servers divide up the hardware resources with other cloud servers, however, they are listed in their own hosting category.

相对而言,这是托管服务的一种新形式,它允许许多单独的服务器一起工作并充当一个大服务器。 在此托管中,云服务器将硬件资源与其他云服务器分开,但是,它们在自己的托管类别中列出。

The primary advantage of cloud hosting is that if your website receives unexpected high traffic, your hosting plan will be able to accommodate the traffic surge. Anyone who is expecting good traffic out of their blog or website can go for cloud hosting.

云托管的主要优势在于,如果您的网站收到意外的高流量,则您的托管计划将能够适应流量激增的情况。 任何期望从其博客或网站获得良好流量的人都可以进行云托管。

VPS主机 (VPS Hosting)

VPS stands for Virtual Private Server. Although these servers share one physical server yet acts like multiple, isolated servers. It would not be wrong if we say this hosting is something between shared hosting and dedicated hosting. In spite of sharing the same hardware resources, they are given the environment of a dedicated server.

VPS代表虚拟专用服务器。 尽管这些服务器共享一台物理服务器,但其行为却类似于多个隔离的服务器。 如果我们说这种托管介于共享托管和专用托管之间,那不会错。 尽管共享相同的硬件资源,但它们仍具有专用服务器的环境。

Talking about the price range, it should be between $50 and $200. Usually, pricing depends on the RAM and CPU power you receive.

说到价格范围,应该在50美元到200美元之间。 通常,价格取决于您获得的RAM和CPU能力。

专用主机 (Dedicated Hosting)

In dedicated hosting, you get one entire physical server from your hosting partner that you take control over. With such hosting type, you don’t need to be worried about issues like slow website loading, poor server response, etc.

在专用托管中,您可以从托管伙伴那里获得一台完整的物理服务器,由您控制。 使用这种托管类型,您无需担心网站加载缓慢,服务器响应不佳等问题。

Companies and individuals that are expecting a huge website traffic may go for dedicated hosting. Speaking of cost, it is significantly higher than you pay in shared hosting or cloud hosting. You may expect to pay $80 and up.

期望大量网站访问的公司和个人可能会选择专用托管。 说到成本,它远高于您在共享托管或云托管中支付的费用。 您可能需要支付$ 80以上。

托管托管 (Managed Hosting)

Managed hosting is known as an extension of dedicated hosting in which everything from hardware and software configuration to hardware replacement to technical support is handled by hosting provider itself. While it is not as cheap as shared hosting but a great option for those who don’t want to take the pain of managing a web hosting. The cost of managed hosting is usually between $50 and $80.

托管托管被称为专用托管的扩展,其中从硬件和软件配置到硬件更换再到技术支持的所有事情都由托管提供商自己处理。 虽然它不如共享托管便宜,但是对于那些不想管理网络托管的人来说是一个不错的选择。 托管主机的费用通常在50到80美元之间。

So, these were a few popular hosting types that you can choose as per your requirements and budget. Now let’s take a look at the importance of web hosting.

因此,这些是一些流行的托管类型,您可以根据需要和预算进行选择。 现在让我们看一下虚拟主机的重要性。

选择优质网络托管服务的好处 (Benefits of Choosing a Good Web Hosting Service)

We have already talked a little bit about why we need a web hosting in the beginning, now we will come to know about a few benefits of choosing a good hosting provider. It will be an added advantage for sure.

我们已经开始谈论了为什么我们一开始需要网络托管,现在我们将了解选择优质托管服务提供商的一些好处。 当然,这将是一个额外的优势。

快速页面加载 (Fast Page Loading)

Investing in good web hosting becomes more important when it comes to page loading speed. Usually, we see bad web hosting providers often have poor quality hardware that slows down the loading speed of your site. So, never pick a poor web hosting.

在页面加载速度方面,投资优质的虚拟主机变得更加重要。 通常,我们看到不良的Web托管提供商经常使用质量较差的硬件,从而降低了您网站的加载速度。 因此,永远不要选择性能较差的虚拟主机。

搜索引擎排名 (Search Engine Rankings)

Choosing a good web host is also very important from the search engine point of view. If your hosting provider does not offer an uptime of 99.5% or above, you may notice a significant drop in search engine ranking. Remember, search engines like Google, Yahoo, etc. penalize websites that go down frequently.

从搜索引擎的角度来看,选择一个好的虚拟主机也很重要。 如果您的托管服务提供商未提供99.5%或更高的正常运行时间,则您可能会注意到搜索引擎排名大幅下降。 请记住,诸如Google,Yahoo等搜索引擎会对经常崩溃的网站进行惩罚。

轻松安装 (Enjoy Easy Installs)

Nowadays, there are many good hosting providers available that help you getting popular scripts such as WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Magento, etc. with a single click. It is a convenient method, especially for newbies to install scripts straight from their hosting control panel.

如今,有许多优秀的托管服务提供商,可帮助您通过单击获得流行的脚本,如WordPress,Drupal,Joomla,Magento等。 这是一种方便的方法,特别是对于新手而言,可以直接从其托管控制面板安装脚本。

获得良好的存储空间 (Get Good Storage Space)

As we mentioned above a web hosting provider lets you store your website’s data on their server, you should know it in advance that how much space you’re going to get. There are many providers that offer unlimited storage, but with the conditions. So be clear with such things and make your decision accordingly. Go for a reliable web host that offers good storage space at an affordable price.

正如我们上面提到的,网络托管服务提供商可让您将网站的数据存储在其服务器上,您应该事先知道要获得多少空间。 有许多提供无限存储空间但具有条件的提供商。 因此,请对此类事情保持清醒,并据此做出决定。 选择可靠的Web主机,以合理的价格提供良好的存储空间。

最后的话 (Final Words)

Regardless of your purpose to launch a website, it is vital that you choose a good web hosting service. In this post, we talked about what is web hosting, why do we need it, different types of web hosting services and then the benefits of choosing a reliable host. Hopefully, the post will help you. If you have any query or suggestion let us know in the following comment section. We would be glad to hear from you.

无论您打算建立一个网站,选择一个好的网络托管服务都是至关重要的。 在本文中,我们讨论了什么是虚拟主机,为什么需要虚拟主机,不同类型的虚拟主机服务以及选择可靠主机的好处。 希望该帖子对您有所帮助。 如果您有任何疑问或建议,请在下面的评论部分中告知我们。 我们很高兴收到您的来信。



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